Get Pricing Plan Information

This guide will show you how you can view your Pricing Plan information via an API command.

Get Pricing Plan Information


Path Parameters


    // Response

Example using cURL:

curl -X GET \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN_HERE}" \
    -H "apikey: {CUSTOMER_ID}"

Please note that the above shown command needs to be replaced with information:

{TOKEN_HERE} - replace with your token

{CUSTOMER_ID} - replace with your customer API key

{NETWORK_PROVIDER_ID} - replace with network provider ID which can be retrieved through the GET Roaming Policy request

Request example:

curl -X GET \
    --url "" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhb6IkpXVCJ9.eyJSb2xlIjoiVXN4lclByb2ZpbGVJZF9kZGM2MThhNC0wNTI1LTQ2MmUtYWN3NzhhMGQxYmbSI6Im4zgFkbWluIiwiQ3VzdG9tsbCwiVXNlcklkIjoiVklkXzg5Yj5Y2OGEyUtNDQThhLTEzZjA0MzJhZDE3YyINTAzgZmUtZGI51My00ZjRiLTktN2U5Yjc0ZWU1ZThlIiwiaWNzM3MjI5L2MDY3NTE2Mjl9.99aSLzP7kTgK6TZGW-xalrMu0GkW6viunt3XxbNng" \
    -H "apikey: cid_ecs1d3a5-f5e62a1-fe8af468wf"

Expected result showing network ID and Roaming Policies operators list with their IDs:

    "PricePlanName": "PAYG_€_Profile_B_v1.5_S0.3_10_01_2021",
    "PricePlanId": "PricePlanId_5cc65sfeb-1666-4ev3-83b1-ac635c432b",
    "Version": "0.22.0",
    "PricePlanInheritance": null,
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "NetworkProviderId": "NetworkProviderId_099a96b6f-af4a-4b3d-aasdd-665adasd0f762",
    "AppliedDate": 1593561600000,
    "SubscriberFees": [
        "LowerLimitActiveDevices": 0,
        "UpperLimitActiveDevices": null,
        "DeviceFee": "0.3"
    "PLMN": [
        "Id": 1,
        "VisitedNetworkName": "default",
        "VisitedNetworkIdentifier": "",
        "PS_Data": "10",
        "PS_Data_Rounding": "kb",
        "MO_SMS": "10",
        "MT_SMS": "0",
        "MO_Voice": "10",
        "MT_Voice": "10",
        "Voice_Rounding": "min",
        "MO_CSD": "10",
        "MT_CSD": "10",
        "CSD_Rounding": "min",
        "NBIOT_UP_PACKET": 0,
        "NBIOT_DOWN_PACKET": 0
        "Id": 2,
        "VisitedNetworkName": "MNOId_551cas4b-6bb9-4a6a-8997-f1116dsgz16eb61",
        "VisitedNetworkIdentifier": "ALBVF",
        "PS_Data": "0.15",
        "PS_Data_Rounding": "kb",
        "MO_SMS": "0.3",
        "MT_SMS": "0",
        "MO_Voice": "0",
        "MT_Voice": "0",
        "Voice_Rounding": "min",
        "MO_CSD": "0",
        "MT_CSD": "0",
        "CSD_Rounding": "min",
        "NBIOT_UP_PACKET": 0,
        "NBIOT_DOWN_PACKET": 0

Last updated