
The following chapter contains explanation on information seen in the Integrations section of Monogoto hub.

In the Integrations section you can configure alerts, to be triggered by specific Events and sent to 3rd party services. More about the Events themselves can be found in General Integration Options.

To find previously triggered Events, you can check Events in the Inbox section, without the need to configure Integrations. Integrations main purpose is to get information about your desired Events to 3rd party services.

Integrations menus explained:

  1. Available integrations - here you can find all options for available to configure integrations.

  2. Installed integrations - here you can find all of your currently configured integrations and manage them (edit or delete).

  3. Monogoto Jedi tricks - in this menu you can find additional configurations and tips for integrations, like the ability to enable packets capture for your SIMs.

  4. Apps and services to setup - in this menu you can find all available integrations for various Events, for more information about available Events, please check General Integration Options.

Managing configured integrations:

When you are in Installed integrations menu you can manage (edit/delete) your configured integrations.

  1. Edit - by pressing on this button you can edit your selected integration.

  2. Delete integration - by pressing on this button you can delete your selected integration

General Integration Options

Once you press the button to create or edit an integration, you will find a small guide on how to complete your selected integration.

Integration configuration steps include step that requires you to select what Events you would like to see via integration.

Integration Events explained:

  • 1st registration - this Event will be triggered when a SIM card makes a network registration for the first time.

  • SIM exceeded 50 SMS - this Event will be triggered when a SIM card reaches 50 outbound SMS in a month.

  • SIM exceeded 100MB - this Event will be triggered when a SIM exceeds 100 MB of used data in a month.

  • SIM data package - this Event will be triggered once SIM hits set data usage limitation. Currently this option is on Beta testing, thus it is not accessible to all customers.

  • SIM inactivity - this Event will be triggered once the SIM card is not showing attempts to be used for 1-2 days.

  • Billing updates - this Event will be triggered when there are billing updates, specifically when there are new invoices in Payments section of the Monogoto hub.

  • Production updates - this Event will be triggered to display system maintenances and notifications about issues.

  • Daily report - this Event will be triggered daily to display last 14 days data average, yesterday's total data usage and any noticed abnormality like big increase or decrease of data usage.

  • Data CDRs - this Event will be triggered to display successfully used services (SMS and data).

  • Private Network VPN - this event will display information about your private network VPN. Currently this option is on Beta testing, thus it is not accessible to all customers.

A few important notes:

Data CDRs and SMS CDRs currently can only be received by Webhook

Please note that by default every integration has enabled the following notifications: Billing updates, Production updates and Daily reports. If they are unnecessary then they can be manually removed from integrations configuration.

Integration Configuration Examples

Integration with Monogoto hub configuration examples can be found following links below.


Last updated