Campaigns Table
This section provides an overview of the data displayed in the OTA Campaigns table and how it can enhance your efficiency. The table is located in the lower segment of the Campaigns page.
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This section provides an overview of the data displayed in the OTA Campaigns table and how it can enhance your efficiency. The table is located in the lower segment of the Campaigns page.
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The table is organized into several columns, offering a straightforward way to review the status of your campaigns. The displayed columns include:
Type: The category of the campaign.
Status: The current state of the campaign - Active or Idle.
Start date: The date when the campaign was created.
Campaign name: The name assigned to your campaign. This name is clickable, redirecting you to the Campaign details page.
Account: The name of the account associated with the campaign.
Things in progress: The number of items that have not yet completed the campaign.
Things completed: The total number of items that have successfully completed the campaign.
In each row on the right, you'll see three dots. When clicked, a new menu opens, offering actions related to the current state of the campaign.
The available actions options will vary depending on the campaign's status:
For active campaigns, the only option available is Pause.
For idle campaigns, you will see options to Start, Edit, and Delete.
Above the table, there is a button with a download icon. When clicked, this button exports a CSV file containing the current state of the table.
To access the detailed page for a specific campaign, simply click on the campaign's name in the table. This will allow you to review in-depth information about that campaign. Once clicked, you will be redirected to a detailed page showcasing comprehensive information about the selected campaign.