SIMCom 7070G-HP-S Satellite NTN Network
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The SIMCom 7070G-HP-S series supports IoT-NTN (satellite), LTE Cat M1/Cat NB2, offering ultra-low power consumption. It complies with 3GPP Release 17 standards, ensuring optimal performance for advanced IoT applications
Monogoto SIM
SIM7070G-HP-S modem
When connecting to the SIMCom modem, keep the AT Commands manual next to you to look up details about commands. To download the latest version, visit the SIMCom website and scroll down to the section File Download.
Reset the modem to its default configuration:
Set the error reporting to verbose, resulting in more descriptive error messages (optional):
Check if the SIM card is attached and is not locked with a PIN, expected response: +CPIN: READY
If you receive an error, the SIM may not be inserted properly or the SIM is protected with a PIN. By default, Monogoto SIMs are not PIN protected.
Request the product type number:
Request the modem hardware version:
Request the modem firmware version:
Request the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity):
Request the ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card ID), which is the identification number of the SIM card
It is possible to let the modem select the Technology
Check the modem technology support:
Expected response: +CMNB: ((1-Cat-M),(2-NB-IoT),(3-Cat-M And NB-IoT),(7-NB1_NTN),(8-Cat-M And NB1_NTN),(12-NB-IOT And NB1_NTN))
Check the modem technology currently in use:
Expected response +CMNB: 7
It is possible to let the modem select the network automatically or to manually define a network to connect with.
To set the modem to automatic network selection, enter the command:
Check the network and cellular technology the modem is currently using:
Expected response: +COPS: 0,0,"<name of operator>",X
. The last digit indicates the cellular technology:
indicates Cat-M1
indicates NB-IoT
indicates NB1-NTN
Start with searching for available networks:
It may take several minutes before the modem responds.
The modem responds with the names and the MCCMNC codes of the available networks. It also shows the cellular technologies the networks support:
Example response:
To find which of the networks Monogoto has roaming agreements with, review the Coverage lists.
Check the network and cellular technology the modem is currently using:
Expected response: +COPS: 0,0,"<name of operator>",X
. The last digit indicates the cellular technology.
Manually set the network and the cellular technology:
Replace XXXXX
with the MCCMNC code of your operator, for example"
for Skylo. Use 14
for NB1-NTN.
Check the radio signal strength and signal quality:
returns 2 values separated by a comma. The first value represents the signal strength and provides a value between 0 and 31; higher numbers indicate better signal strength. The second value represents the signal quality indicated by a value between 0 and 7. If AT+CSQ
returns 99,99
, the signal is undetectable or unknown.
Set the APN to data.mono
To test if the APN is set correctly, enter:
Expected response: +CGDCONT: 1,"IP","data.mono","",0,0,0
Activate the PDP (packet data protocol) context:
Test if the PDP context is activated:
Expected response: +CGACT: 1,1
Expected response: +CGPADDR: 1,XX.XXX.XX.XXX
Do you see an IP address? Congratulations! 🎉 You’ve successfully connected the SIM7070G-HP-S to Monogoto.
Activate a data connection for PDP index 0
Expected response: +APP PDP: 0,ACTIVE
Select the PDP index 0
for the UDP test:
Expected response: OK
Send UDP Payload to the IP address
Expected response: +CAOPEN: 0,0
Send UDP Socket
Close UDP Socket
A PING test can be performed to test if the modem has an active data connection with a mobile network.
When cellular modems are idle for a long period of time, cell towers might drop the data connection to save resources. Sending regular PINGs is a good method for testing the data connection, as well as for keeping the connection alive because the operator registers your device as being actively used.
Activate a data connection for PDP index 0
Expected response: +APP PDP: 0,ACTIVE
Select the PDP index 0
for the PING test:
Expected response: OK
Send 5 PINGs to IP address
with a timeout of 20 seconds.
If the connection is active, you will see 5 PINGs with a number representing the response time in milliseconds. Example response:
Deactivate the PDP index after completing the PING test.
Expected response: +APP PDP: 0,DEACTIVE
Great work on connecting the SIM7070G-HP-S to Monogoto! Have a look at the Things logs in the Monogoto HUB to find more details about the established connection.
To find the profile of your SIM, visit the Monogoto Console, open the page Things and select a specific Thing. Scroll down to Mobile Identities to find your profile in the column Network Provider Name.