
The following chapter contains explanation on information seen in the Dashboard section of Monogoto hub.

In order to access the Dashboard section, you first must be logged in to the Monogoto hub. In case you need assistance with this step, then please check out the introduction to the hub.

Dashboard is the first section of the Monogoto hub that you see after logging into the hub. This is also one of the main ways for you to monitor your Things. This section provides you with the ability to monitor and gather information on your Things (SIMs) that you have with Monogoto.

Date Range and Dashboard Filters

Please note that the whole information shown in all of the Dashboard graphs and tables can be adjusted to fit your needs based on the currently selected Date Range and filters.

Date Range and filters explained:

  1. Data Range - here, you can change the period for displayed information in the Dashboard. The default period is the Last 30 days.

  2. All Profiles - here, you can filter out the information shown in the Dashboard per SIM profile. Please note that it is normal to have only one profile.

  3. All Networks - here, you can select what used operator information you would like to be displayed in Dashboard graphs and tables.

  4. All Groups - here, you can select to show to display information in Dashboard only for your selected Thing Group.

Please note that in case you would like the Dashboard to display information based on your currently selected Date Range or filter, please press the GO button.

General Information

General information shows your Things (SIMs) activity, summarized per your selected period (Date Range).

General information explained:

  1. Active Things - here, you can see the total amount of active Things (SIM). This number should be matching to your active SIM amount.

  2. Data Usage in GB - here, you can see the total amount of used data in gigabytes.

  3. Networks in use - here, you can see the total amount of used networks.

  4. First-time registration - Sim Cards that have registered for the first time.

  5. Things groups - Thing groups that have active things in these groups.

Dashboard Tables and Graphs

Dashboard has many tables and graphs that will show you various useful information about your Things (SIM) activity. You can learn more about each table and graph by selecting it below.

Daily Active ThingsDaily Data UsageTop Profiles in UseTop Groups by Data UsageTop Networks by Active ThingsTop Groups by Active Things

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