Create a new user

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create additional users,

  1. Click on the Organization button at the top bar and select Users.

  1. Next, click on +Add New User button.

  1. Fill-in the required information.

Name - first and last name of the new user

Email - email of the new user

Description (optional) - additional information about the new user

User Profile - user profile dictates the permissions and abilities the new user will have

User ProfileDescription

Admin user

Admin user has full permissions. This user can view and change everything in Advanced Console and Hub

Standard user

Standard user can do everything like Admin user, except it is not allowed to see/manage pricing and users in Advanced Console and Hub

Group user

Group user is limited to managing only selected Thing Groups. This is useful when you have end users that you would like to monitor/manage the status of only specific SIMs

Monitor user

Monitor user can only monitor information in Advanced Console and Hub. This user cannot do any changes

API user

API user is meant to be used only for API testing and documentation in Advanced Console and Hub

Groups - when you are creating a user with a profile Group User, you need to select which groups should accessable to the new user.

  1. By clicking on the Save button to add a user, 2 things happens:

    • You will move back to the users table, when you can see the new user in Invited state. Once the new user will login the state will change to Active.

  • The invited user receives a welcome email with a link to complete his registration.

  1. The new user should insert the desired password twice and press on Generate Password button.

  1. That's all, now the new user can login to the Monogoto hub.

Last updated