Checking Thing Connection via Event Logs

In this section you may learn how you may check if your Monogoto SIM card (Thing) is connected to a network using Thing Event Logs.

Another very reliable, but more difficult method of checking if SIM card is connected to a network is to check out Thing Event Logs.

There are 2 main ways to check out Thing Event logs:

Checking Thing Events Logs via self-service console:

1. Login to the Monogoto portal.

2. Go to Things section of the portal.

3. Select a Thing from the list of seen Things in the portal.

4. Use scroll bar, to scroll down to the end of the Thing Menu page.

5. Check Events section of the Thing Menu page.

6. Search in Thing Menu newest events for one of the below provided examples:

Event Message example


Success authenticate_pdp_context for Thing ICCID 8912372646888991 MNO= OMNITEL. Session ID =8275846, Allowed Bytes= 20971520

Event showing successfully open data session

Network registration of ICCID 8912372646888991 (123456789101112), MNO: OMNITEL

Event showing successful registration to a network

Success SCP_INITIAL_RESULT of Thing Name=ICCID 8912372646888991 IMSI=123456789101112. MNO=OMNITEL. Allowed quota=20971520 bytes.

Event showing that SIM card has opened a new data session using APIN "uinternet"

Success SCP_UPDATE_RESULT of Thing Name=ICCID 8912372646888991 IMSI=123456789101112. MNO=OMNITEL. Allowed quota=20971520 bytes.

Event showing that SIM card data session using APN "uinternet" got updated to allow more data to be used

delete_pdp_context for Thing=ICCID 8912372646888991, Session ID=8275846, Used bytes=1270086

Event showing that the data session was closed and mentioning used data amount

ICCID 8912372646888991 used 1270086 bytes

Event showing how much data SIM card has used

VLR PURGE_MS request from 3706111111111

Event showing that SIM card was purged (removed) from the network.

To get the SIM card reconnected to the network, please restart the device or remove/reinsert the Monogoto SIM card

SGSN PURGE_MS request from 370611111111

Event showing that SIM card was purged (removed) from the used 2G/3G network. To get the SIM card reconnected to the network, please restart the device or remove/reinsert the Monogoto SIM card

MME PURGE_MS request from

Event showing that SIM card was purged (removed) from the used 4G network.

To get the SIM card reconnected to the network, please restart the device or remove/reinsert the Monogoto SIM card

To see most of the Event Messages and information about them, please follow this link.

Checking Thing Events Logs via an API command:

To view Thing Events logs, please use following request:

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<<_TOKEN_HERE_>>>" -d "{ \"ThingIdELK\": \"<<<_THING_ICCID_ID_>>>\", \"SeverityELK\": \"<<<_EVENT_SEVERITY_>>>\", \"gteTimestampELK\": \"<<<_GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TIMESTAMP_>>>\", \"ltTimestampELK\": \"<<<_LESS_TIMESTAMP_>>>\", \"EsDataTypeELK\": \"<<<_EVENT_DATA_TYPE_>>>\", \"MessageTypeELK\": \"s<<<_EVENT_MESSAGE_TYPE_>>>\", \"limit\": \"<<<_RESULTS_LIMIT_>>>\"}"

Please note that the above shown command needs to be replaced with information: <<<_TOKEN_HERE_>>> - replace with your token <<<_THING_ICCID_ID_>>> - replace with ThingId_ICCID_ABC, where ABC is your thing ICCID. Example: ThingId_ICCID_8912372646888991 <<<_EVENT_SEVERITY_>>> - replace with the severity of the Event you wish to be displayed. <<<_GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TIMESTAMP_>>> - replace with the timestamp of date/time to show greater or equal date/time Events. Please enter date/time in epoch format with milliseconds. You may use a converter that can be found following this link. <<<_LESS_TIMESTAMP_>>> - replace with the timestamp of date/time to show less than entered date/time Events. Please enter date/time in epoch format with milliseconds. You may use a converter that can be found following this link. <<<_EVEN_MESSAGE_TYPE_>>> - replace with the Event message type to be displayed. <<<_RESULTS_LIMIT_>>> - replace with how many results you want to be displayed. Default when not using this line is 10 results.

Please note that only API command lines <<<_TOKEN_HERE_>>> and <<<_THING_ICCID_ID_>>> are mandatory, others can be removed from API command if not needed

Example of request that will show last 50 Events for our Thing:

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhb6IkpXVCJ9.eyJSb2xlIjoiVXN4lclByb2ZpbGVJZF9kZGM2MThhNC0wNTI1LTQ2MmUtYWN3NzhhMGQxYmbSI6Im4zgFkbWluIiwiQ3VzdG9tsbCwiVXNlcklkIjoiVklkXzg5Yj5Y2OGEyUtNDQThhLTEzZjA0MzJhZDE3YyINTAzgZmUtZGI51My00ZjRiLTktN2U5Yjc0ZWU1ZThlIiwiaWNzM3MjI5L2MDY3NTE2Mjl9.99aSLzP7kTgK6TZGW-xalrMu0GkW6viunt3XxbNng" -d "{ \"ThingIdELK\": \"ThingId_ICCID_8912372646888991\", \"limit\": \"50\"}"

Expected result will show 50 last Events for our Thing:

  "totalResults": 151,
  "hits": [
      "_source": {
        "Severity": "Info",
        "message": "Success authenticate_pdp_context for Thing ICCID 8912372646888991 MNO= UAB TELE2. Session ID =8993090, Allowed Bytes= 20971520",
        "Timestamp": 1609154365332,
        "MessageType": "EVENT"
      "_source": {
        "Severity": "Info",
        "message": "authenticate_pdp_context v2 for Thing=ICCID 8912372646888991 from SGSN RAI=null . Allowed Bytes = 20971520",
        "Timestamp": 1609154365331,
        "MessageType": "EVENT"
      "_source": {
        "EsDataType": "GGSN_DELETE_PDP_CONTENT",
        "Severity": "Info",
        "message": "delete_pdp_context for Thing=ICCID 8912372646888991, Session ID=8986961, Used bytes=18464019",
        "Timestamp": 1609154364198,
        "MessageType": "EVENT"

Search in Thing Menu newest events for one of the below provided examples:

Event Message example


Success authenticate_pdp_context for Thing ICCID 8997211240710951969 MNO= OMNITEL. Session ID =8275846, Allowed Bytes= 20971520

Event showing successfully open data session

Network registration of ICCID 8997211240710951969 (240075817195196), MNO: OMNITEL

Event showing successful registration to a network

Success SCP_INITIAL_RESULT of Thing Name=ICCID 8997211101234564532 IMSI=425019700000453. MNO=OMNITEL. Allowed quota=20971520 bytes.

Event showing that SIM card has opened a new data session using APIN "uinternet"

Success SCP_UPDATE_RESULT of Thing Name=ICCID 8997211101234564532 IMSI=425019700000453. MNO=OMNITEL. Allowed quota=20971520 bytes.

Event showing that SIM card data session using APN "uinternet" got updated to allow more data to be used

delete_pdp_context for Thing=ICCID 8912372646888991, Session ID=8275846, Used bytes=1270086

Event showing that the data session was closed and mentioning used data amount

ICCID 8912372646888991 used 1270086 bytes

Event showing how much data SIM card has used

VLR PURGE_MS request from 37068499200

Event showing that SIM card was purged (removed) from the network.

To get the SIM card reconnected to the network, please restart the device or remove/reinsert the Monogoto SIM card

SGSN PURGE_MS request from 37068499200

Event showing that SIM card was purged (removed) from the used 2G/3G network. To get the SIM card reconnected to the network, please restart the device or remove/reinsert the Monogoto SIM card

MME PURGE_MS request from

Event showing that SIM card was purged (removed) from the used 4G network.

To get the SIM card reconnected to the network, please restart the device or remove/reinsert the Monogoto SIM card

To see most of the Event Messages and information about them, please follow this link.

Last updated