Incoming (MT) SMS
In this section you may learn how Incoming (MT) SMS work in Monogoto network.
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In this section you may learn how Incoming (MT) SMS work in Monogoto network.
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To send incoming SMS from self-service console to your Thing (IoT device) please follow the bellow mentioned steps:
Please note that in order for you to be able to send incoming SMS to your Thing (IoT device) the device must be currently enabled and active. Also, this functionality must be enabled in your Monogoto self-service console.
1. Click Things from the sidebar menu.
2. Find a Thing that you wish to send SMS to and to press on Thing name to open its Thing Menu.
3. Click Send SMS to Thing.
4. Enter a name in the From field.
5. Type a Message.
6. Click Send.
Please note that some iot devices due to security reasons require you to define whitelist of phone numbers that can send SMS to your iot devices. Therefore, when you want to be able to send SMS to your iot device we would advise you to do the following:
Check if your iot device requires you to have a number whitelisted in order for the iot device to accept the SMS. If it does, then please think of a number that you would like to be shown when sending SMS to your iot device.
When sending the SMS from portal, please in FROM field enter a phone number that you have entered in your iot device whitelist.
When entering phone number in FROM field, please enter it with country code, without the + or 00 symbols. For example +4420123456789 should be entered as 4420123456789.
1. Click Things from the sidebar menu.
2. Find a Thing that you wish to check and open its Thing Menu.
3. Scroll down to Events, they show SIM logs.
4. In Events, please check the logs for SMS events.
Success = SMS message reached recipient successfully. Failure = SMS message failed to reach recipient, due to some reason. Usually, the reason should be stated in the same Event.
To send an SMS from the portal to a single Thing, please use the following request:
Please note that the above shown command needs to be replaced with information: <<<_THING_ICCID_>>> - replace with your Monogoto thing ICCID number <<<_TOKEN_HERE_>>> - replace with your token <<<_SMS_CONTENT_>>> - replace with your SMS message content <<<_SENDER_NAME_>>> - replace with sender name you wish recipient to see
Example of request:
Expected result (showing Thing ID and SMS ID):
Please note that some iot devices due to security reasons require you to define whitelist of phone numbers that can send SMS to your iot devices. Therefore, when you want to be able to send SMS to your iot device we would advise you to do the following:
Check if your iot device requires you to have a number whitelisted in order for the iot device to accept the SMS. If it does, then please think of a number that you would like to be shown when sending SMS to your iot device.
When sending the SMS via API, please replace <<<_SENDER_NAME_>>> with a phone number that you have entered in your iot device whitelist.
1. Click Things from the sidebar menu.
2. Find a Thing that you wish to check and open its Thing Menu.
3. Scroll down to Events, they show SIM logs.
4. In Events, please check the logs for SMS events.
Success = SMS message reached recipient successfully. Failure = SMS message failed to reach recipient, due to some reason. Usually, the reason should be stated in the same Event.
Monogoto provides you with an option to receive a duplicate of the incoming SMS to Thing (IoT device) via the webhook. Usually, this option is used to inspect the contents of the incoming SMS when the Thing (IoT device) is physically not reachable.
Please note that even if the incoming SMS will fail to be delivered to Thing (IoT device), the webhook option would still show what message was supposed to reach the Thing (IoT device).
1. Login to the Monogoto portal and go to Things Groups.
2. Press on the Edit button in the Thing Group you wish to have Webhook configurations.
3. In the Edit Thing group window, please enter a webhook address in the field Webhook for incoming SMS.
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and press button SAVE & CLOSE.
Done. Now when one of your things in this group receives an MT SMS, a webhook will be sent to your entered address.
Please note that you may use Test button near your entered webhook address to check if your entered address is able to receive webhook from Monogoto portal.
In case you need MT SMS not to reach the network destination, but only send a webhook, please mark terminate incoming SMS message in the webhook.
1. Click Things from the sidebar menu.
2. Find a Thing that you wish to check and open its Thing Menu.
3. Scroll down to Events, they show SIM logs.
4. In Events, please check if you can see any events about webhooks near the SMS message event.
No event about webhook = indicates that the webhook was sent successfully. Webhook retry times = usually indicates that the webhook failed to reach the entered address.
Below you can see failed webhook example: