Incoming SMS

Incoming SMS in Monogoto

The Monogoto platform provides comprehensive capabilities via self-service or via API for managing incoming and outgoing SMS messages to IoT devices, allowing users to efficiently send and monitor SMS communications.

SMS Automation via OTA Campaign

Monogoto offers its customers the ability to automate SMS workflows for their products using its Over-The-Air (OTA) service. For example, by setting up an SMS OTA campaign, when a device boots up with a Monogoto SIM, the OTA service is triggered to send an SMS to the device, configuring settings such as the APN or application server IP address. If you wish to learn more, contact our support team.

SMS monitoring

The first thing you want to do before starting sending or receiving SMS is to create an “Incoming&outgoing SMS” integration in the Monogoto hub, in order to be able to view or be notified for incoming SMS insight events. Once you set up the integration, you will be able to view SMS insights in the Monogoto hub “Inbox” section. Additionally, you will be notified at your email, Slack channel, Zapier or your own webhook, depending on the integration type you have selected.

Here is an example for incoming SMS insight event:

Time: 05 Sep 24, 08:18, ICCID: 899721142526xxxxxxxx, IMSI: 311588xxxxxxxxx, IMEI: 3574428xxxxxxxx,From: Mono123, To: 121xxxxxxxxx, Message: SERVER,0,,78222,0#

How does it work?

Monogoto provides the capability to send incoming (MT) SMS to the device in self-service mode via the Monogoto hub or via an API. In both options, the SMS message will be sent to the SIM via API, with better security than a traditional SMS.

Before you start, make sure to validate that:

  • The SIM is active

  • The SIM is registered to a mobile network

  • MT_SMS service is unblocked (default)

Otherwise, the SMS action button in the Monogoto hub will be turned off, and you will not be able to send an SMS to the device from the portal or via the API.

Successful incoming SMS depends on a device type and availability. For example, a low-powered IoT device during sleep mode will not be able to receive the SMS, only when the device is up and transmitting.

How to send SMS (incoming) to the IoT device?

  1. Access your Monogoto account by logging in to the Monogoto hub.

  2. Click on the "Things" section from the sidebar.

  3. Select the SIM you wish to send an SMS too.

  1. Click the “SMS” button on the top action bar, and insert up to 16 digits or 8 alphanumeric characters in the “From” field. Additionally, insert up to 160 alphanumeric characters in the message field.

Some IoT devices, for security reasons, require a whitelist of phone numbers that are allowed to send SMS to them. To ensure you can send SMS to your IoT device, we recommend the following steps:

  • Check whitelist requirements: Verify whether your IoT device requires a whitelisted phone number to accept SMS. If so, decide which phone number you would like to use when sending SMS to your IoT device.

  • Entering the whitelisted number: When sending an SMS from the portal, ensure that the phone number you enter in the "From" field matches the number on your device's whitelist.

  • Format the number Correctly: Enter the phone number in the "From" field with the country code, but without the "+" or "00" symbols. For example, the number "+44 201 234 56789" should be entered as "4420123456789."

The SMS button will not be available (grayed out) when,

  • The SIM is suspended

  • The SIM is not registered to a mobile network

  • The MT_SMS is block in the advanced console (unblocked by default)

  1. Click on the “Send” button.

  2. Scroll down to view the SIM events and look for MT_SMS events. For convenience, you can filter the events to show only the MT_SMS event type.

SMS event Event meaning


SMS arrived successfully to the device

Absent subscriber

SMS failed, Device is not attached to the network

System failure

SMS failed, Issue on Monogoto servers

SM delivery failure

SMS failed, Recipient unreachable or memory is full

Unidentified subscribe

SMS failed, Unable to send MT_SMS, unknown identity

Subscriber busy for MT_SMS

SMS failed, Device is busy and reject MT_SMS

  1. If the “Incoming&outgoing SMS” integration is active, click on the "Inbox" section from the sidebar and view the incoming SMS insight event. Additionally, you should receive the insight event to your email, Slack channel, Zapier account or your own webhook, depending on the integration type you have selected.

Last updated