In this example we will place a restriction on inbound/outbound Voice and SMS so that our SIM cards in our selected Thing Group will only be able to communicate with UK numbers.
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1. Login to the Monogoto portal and go to Security.
6. Lets start by creating an SMS rule. To do that make sure that you have selected SMS tab.
7. To add a new rule for SMS, please press on button Add new.
8. First of all we want to configure a rule that will block inbound/outbound SMS.
Action = what action this rule should have. In order to block SMS, please select Block
Rule = select to what phone numbers this rule will apply. In order for this rule to be applied to all phone numbers, please select Any
Data Direction = select to what type of SMS this rule will apply. In order for this rule to be applied to both inbound and outbound SMS types, please select Both
9. Press on button SAVE & CLOSE.
10. Now we can add an exception to our SMS block rule, in order to allow SMS with our selected phone number or phone number prefix. To add another new rule for SMS, please press on button Add new.
11. The rule we will configure now will allow inbound/outbound SMS communication with UK phone numbers.
Action = what action this rule should have. In order to allow SMS, please select Allow
Rule = select to what phone numbers this rule will apply. In order for this rule to be applied to only phone numbers with specific prefix (country code), please select Only number starting with
Number = enter a phone number prefix (country code) that this rule will apply to. In our example we will enter 44, since this is UK phone numbers prefix
Data Direction = select to what type of SMS this rule will apply. In order for this rule to be applied to both inbound and outbound SMS types, please select Both
12. Press on button SAVE & CLOSE.
13. Now that we have created SMS rules, let change the order of the rules. Since checking of the rules by the system goes from the top to bottom, therefore please make sure to leave block rule as the last rule.
14. Once we have fully configured SMS rules, lets create Voice rules. Please press on Voice tab.
15. Now please press on button Add new.
16. Just like with SMS rules, first of all we want to configure a rule that will block all inbound/outbound Voice.
Action = what action this rule should have. In order to block Voice, please select Block
Rule = select to what phone numbers this rule will apply. In order for this rule to be applied to all phone numbers, please select Any
Data Direction = select to what type of Voice this rule will apply. In order for this rule to be applied to both inbound and outbound Voice types, please select Both
17. Press on button SAVE & CLOSE.
18. Now we can add an exception to our Voice block rule, in order to allow Voice communication with our selected phone number or phone number prefix. To add another new rule for Voice, please press on button Add new.
19. The rule we will configure now will allow inbound/outbound Voice communication with UK phone numbers.
Action = what action this rule should have. In order to allow Voice communication, please select Allow
Rule = select to what phone numbers this rule will apply. In order for this rule to be applied to only phone numbers with specific prefix (country code), please select Only number starting with
Number = enter a phone number prefix (country code) that this rule will apply to. In our example we will enter 44, since this is UK phone numbers prefix
Data Direction = select to what type of Voice communication this rule will apply. In order for this rule to be applied to both inbound and outbound Voice types, please select Both
20. Press on button SAVE & CLOSE.
21. Now that we have created Voice rules, let change the order of the rules. Since checking of the rules by the system goes from the top to bottom, therefore please make sure to leave block rule as the last rule.
22. To save our created Telephony Security Profile rules, please press on button SAVE & CLOSE.
23. Now we want to select to what Thing Groups our created Telephony Security Profile will be assigned. To do that, lets go to Things Groupssection.
24. Find a Thing Group that we wish to have our created Telephony Security Profile and press on Edit button.
25. In Thing Group settings, please select what Telephony Security Profile you wish to use.
26. Scroll down to the end of the Thing Group window and press on button SAVE & CLOSE.
27. Done. We have successfully created and applied a Security Security Profile to our selected Thing Group.
Please note that it takes several minutes for our changes to be applied to your Things (SIM cards).